Christmas, Journal

Second Week of Advent

Perhaps nothing more obviously demonstrates the joy of the Christmas season than the constant presence of music. The contagious joy in the world is felt and mimicked even by the secular celebrations that surround us with songs everywhere we go. Unique to Christmas is its carols, those special songs telling and retelling the joy and… Read More Second Week of Advent


First Week of Advent

{The Annunciation (1898), Henry Ossawa Tanner} The church calendar is fresh and new and all is anticipation, expectation. The year begins with celebration. Secret gifts are made ready, special messages will be sent, feasting and songs and poetry will fill the season with jubilation. We celebrate by refreshing our remembrance that God came to us… Read More First Week of Advent


Listening to Language

Grandchild number nine made his entrance into the world a week ago and there is great rejoicing to receive him. I adore all things newborn, all things, but am awestruck afresh each time by their response to the human voice. Naturally, they know their mother’s voice, but when father comes into the room the baby… Read More Listening to Language

Journal, Reading List

Reading into Fall

As the year gently passed from summer to fall, I traveled through the turn of the season with many diverse novels, adult and children’s, that each kept me company in this swiftly passing September. The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. I was told to read this book immediately, that I absolutely HAD to read… Read More Reading into Fall


Just for Laughs

Remember Mary Poppins’ sage advice? “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down” and King Solomon’s wisdom: “A merry heart does good like medicine,” not to mention, “There is a time to laugh?” Are you, like me, often so consumed with the execution of daily duties, you forget that life should have a bit… Read More Just for Laughs

Journal, Monthly Book List

The Labor of Reading

Most seven-year-olds would agree that reading is work. Those among them who love reading, having had many pleasurable hours in company with books, nevertheless, tackle the task with gusto. Few pleasures in life come to us without some effort—even experiencing nature takes deliberate preparation, time, and attention to be fully enjoyed. Still, with reading, I… Read More The Labor of Reading